Right, life has no plans to give me any rest whatsoever. I was given an option of financial independency to put in first, then huge amount of conspiracy literature - this thing in particular is kinda scary if to think how much of my attention it consumes. And in opposition - orthodox slavic music, Choir of the Brethren of Valaam Monastery as an example.
Whereas many people live simple lives, everything is much more complicated in my opinion. On the other hand, too much information is a way that most likely will not lead to any sort of happiness. Still, there are zillion reasons to dig deeper into it all. Of course, there are plans to start up some websites, encyclopedias et cetera, none of what will be done.
Among other news is the birth of Antenna's descendant. All people seem to live, go forward, realize their dreams yet myself was probably hit by a comet at some point...
Boys who in teenhood thought that black & silver clothes and black glasses was different, later on understand it all is more complex and became the modern Knights Templar, not by joining secret societies, but by serving your own ideas, sacred in that way or another.
A couple days ago had a long chat with my aunt Nina about old-believers, about my grandmother's family. Wonderful things showed up, like mediterranean and indian trip of the family. Still, she's an atheist and wasn't very pleased to talk about matters of belief and religion. Still, genealogical tree is a handy thing.
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